
My Bucket List

#Any type of love - it will be shown,
like every single tree reach for the sky.
If you're gonna fall,
I'll let you know,
that I will pick you up
like you for I,
I felt this thing,
I can't replace.
Where everyone was working for this goal.
Where all the children left without a trace,
only to come back, as pure as gold,
To recite this all#

The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves/AVA

was thinking to discuss bout this topic long ago but then kip forgetting on and on...well, part of it is not forgetting but then more like lazy?haha...lazy shit i am..yup!

ok, for those who don't know what a bucket list is well, its a list of things which u wanna do b4 u die,dead,死ぬ,Sterben,mourir,死亡,kuolla(die in Fin. look like koala dun u think, how does sumthing so cute become the symbol of death!?! that's not even fair for sumthing as cute as koala to bare with that freakin' word!!! tat's cruel, but basically that's wat men does..cruelty.......)

anyway..i like extreme sports..yes...like to do stupid and crazy stuff...yup tat's me!...so here goes my bucket list...~

Bucket List!Bucket List!Bucket List!Bucket List!Bucket List!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ Rock Climb *indoor rock climb tat is, will go for outdoors whenever i can!*

~ Bungee Jump *will do it in my Koh Samui Backpack trip this December*

~ Sky Diving *Plan to do it at Dubai for my next year Backpack visit=)*

~ Get good results

~ Own a car

~ Find someone i Love, a girl...my future gf to be exact..haha...*shy*

~ Make -=*[M] Club*=- a success!

~ Visit all of my friends who is at oversea right now, that is : Brunei, Dubai, UK, France, the States*ofcourse=P*, Philipines, Indonesia, there's one in Brazil but not tat close though..haha..

~ Japan, Korea, Brazil, Taiwan is a must!...

~ Wanna do Volunteer work at South Africa. to help those who r in nid.

~ Climb mount Kota Kinabalu. *cyrus...wait for ur reply..=)*

~ Sponser a poor Kid to study. *juz did few days ago..=), hey im a dad now!!*

~ Make my frens happy...* always fail to do that, im useless..=(, sr xinchan, sry wen jie, sry sophia, sry jeff, sry lin, sry vincent, sry KF, sry those ADPians...im so sry...everyone...for being a failure...

well..this is until now...my bucket list...i mean in my mind..will add on more when im done!!hehe...=), wats ur Bucket list...when u guys add one let me know..i wanna check it out and we can do sum together...agree?

one more request: who wanna join me for the rock climbing thing?im juz a amateur.. and to visit those places...pls let me know..i like to go with a few frens..and not alone..

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