
flying crane!

as for needed of testing...i come home early today...reach home at 5.25pm..set up all my stuff...(there are 2 laptops and 1 pc) and test it out..Mong did a very good job at reversing the bandwidth in the programmes made it more smooth..

btw..this morning while i was going to work..i was stuck at the penang bridge for at 40 mins...i reach the bridge at 7.15am...cross the tollbooth at 7.20am and in the end...i reach office at 8.10...wtf...becuz there was this massive crane which are enlarging the bridge fell on the road..the scene was spectacular...as it was very very weird how the pic would end up lik dat..Pic courtesy of pbcam.blogspot.com

imagine this...the crane is designed to have a heavy body to withstand the weight of it can carry..and wtf...look! the body is way up the sky..when i was nearing the crane(i was on the other lane of the bridge..going to Penang while the Crane is on the lane going to Prai) i can see on the 300~400 meters b4 the crane..i can see its body up in the sky wtf...dunno wat they carry..elephant?

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