
silly confessions....

its 3.30 now...i havent slip yet although i m tired...i have a confession to make...it might sound silly but to me....well..its also silly la...

i've been holding on to my shit juz now and around 3am when sophia come bak from HQ...i really can't stand the call of nature and eventually i went in to the toilet and answer it although i know that there's no water...so i bring in 2 big 5 Liter of water with me...after i finish answering the call...i pour those in and flush it...it works!! it cleans...10 liters worth of water which i buy with my $$$ juz to flush my shit....make me feel veryyyyy damn sad...damn it...kns....we do pay the government to provide us with water...summore the price in electricity and water bills in Selangor increase summore....really...rite now i wanna say sumthing...sumthing tat have been hiding deep in my heart for soooo long...

Dear Government,

GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!! U SHOULD TRY AND BUY 10 LITERS OF DRINKING WATER AND FLUSH DOWN UR SHIT...AND C HOW I FELT!!...BRAINLESS IDIOTS....like in the spanish it is called estúpido idiota..stupid idiots!!.........wasting our country money...and my money! damn u know i dun have much money for u to waste summore wanna waste my money on pouring drinking water over shitholes....duno how ur brain works~

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