
missing & searching

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together,
keep me in your heart;
I'll stay there forever"
~Winnie the Pooh

a plane flies overhead and i wonder what you are doing- few hundred miles away and visible only in my dreams.. i miss you but these are words uttered so many times i fear they may lose meaning if i repeat them again.

if there is one thing i do know for sure it is that life goes on.. the sun shines but its rays remind me of the moments- unforgettable moments we shared the same umbrella, when we sat under the same park bench, moments we laughed over something we can't even remember saying..

when i lay awake your images colour my mind and i know it will be something time cannot change.. i believe however it's all meant to be, we learn to appreciate one another more if distance plays a role in what we call the 'meaning of life'.. in that context, we search, in hopes that one day loneliness remains just a word, weightless, insignificant...

still searching but for now, i am without you
the sky is an endless vast of empty space
the breeze- cold and bitter, is oblivious to my anguish...
is your heart bleeding too?

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