
definately, maybe

April : you should've got down on your knee.
Will : just shut up.
April : ...
Will : Here, I want to marry you because you're the first person I want to look at when I wake up in the morning and the only one I want to kiss goodnight. Because first time* holding April hands* when I saw these hands, I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them, but mainly when you love someone as I love you..getting married is the only thing left to do... so Emily, will you marry me.
April : Definately...Maybe...

OMFG!!! jesus shit...this line are so nice...i kip watching and watching to c how ryan reynolds pull this off...yea the april girl is gorgeous..well all the three actresses in the movie are. but i like this april girl. guys go watch it. it is worth a watch..definately maybe..
today after lunch at Old Town...we were walking home as usual until we come upon the ADP building and we saw the black metal sign thing without the sign..juz a hole with the black metal...twisted metal..==..luv malaysians...yuk...
anyhow..they was talking about a girl who can do it and they ask Sophia to do it..she said she can't and i prove it to her...i can!haha..

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