do u know, for me...i can evaluate myself more when i m alone? haha...i think tat everyone is the same rite? they evaluate themselves when they are alone..they can choose not to but after a while sitting quietly...u started to think bak everything that u did b4 and everything juz kinda like flash back and flash in front or for me it is...i've been sitting for 20 mins in front of my lappie and i flash back a few....i did a lot of stuff huh?haha..
few days back...i went to
IKEA with
REGGIE...i saw these black boxes and bought it without thinking too much...i know wat i m going to do with it but my mind juz keep telling myself...not to think bout it...continuesly reminding myself...NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT....cuz i know if i have a few sec even to think about it...i might put it back and nvr going to touch those stuff again which i nidded the black box for..
when i reach home tat day...i put all my ex-s stuff ex i mean
CHIN her....i put wateverthing i can find...and this really does brings up a lot of memories...goods and shits!
Y muz it b black u ask?....i also dunno...i juz think that black have this meaning of grief...which u grief of wat u lost...wat u nid to remember this person of...not like in a ppl passed away grief a grief of u miss her as a fren...grief as u lose a good fren, companion in life, in grief of those good memories that u have with her has turned to history...
recently i've been hearing my fren saying she is working...she didnt get to graduate from her batch as she failed 3 subjects...i was shock...she used to b smart...and hardworking...she is a perfectionist...i still remember during our high school days...she wrote a passage..and there's a wrong word, she would juz erase the whole sentence in liquid paper and rewrote it again...yea..tat's how perfectionist she are...and that's wat makes me fell in love with her...not her outlook, not her body, but the person inside her...she always tie up her hair, pony tail, and she always take good care of her shoes...if anyone step on it she would b very angry or sad tat day...cuz she hates washing her shoes...
after sum time after i get my license...i go to her house even more to find her...and form there i notice more about her that make me fell even more deeply in love...she always brush her teeth twice...and she will kip breathing using her mouth cuz the darlie is too 'spicy' for her...and i would stand by the side and watch her brush..she kips asking me to go away and leave her alone cuz she dun like ppl standing at the side looking at her..but i likey...haha...if wanted me to describe more...i can wrote a whole bible of her...but like i said...its all history...grief...
i can't promise that i have forgetten friends always ask me...have u forgetten her?? forget her man...dun think all those sad stuff...u know? i always hesitate b4 i answer...for sum i answer yes i have forgotten her becuz i dun wan them to giv me lectures and for sum i juz smile back without giving them answers...i think tat's the best i can do..i can't say i forget all about her...cuz she is the one i love the most...back then...and we have been together for more than 3 years b4 we broke up...if u can forget a relationship lik dat i salute u for being so strong but i can't...i choose not bares too much memory for me till i dun even wan to forget it...
haha...ill stop here...dun think ppl will read long post without pictures anyway...thx u guys for are those pics...
the outlook of the box from side....
the front of the box...with her name...hehe...
sneak peek of wat's wont tell u wats inside...=P